(ocurrencias, reflexiones y otras ideoteces)
(ponderings, musings and general ideaoticalness)
ab imo pectore ad absurdum

jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011




[Originality] doesn't really exist. The idea that something can be said to be truly original is laughable. There is no immaculate conception. Everything comes from somewhere. Everything contains elements of something else. If we were ever to be confronted with an artefact or an idea that was genuinely original we wouldn't be able to see it or understand it. We wouldn't have any reference points with which to identify it.
Just as our biological life is made possible by the ability of our cells to replicate themselves, so too does our creative life depend on our ability to replicate forms, ideas and expressions that already exist. We are all copyists and we should be glad.

Adrian Shaughnessy
The Myth of Originality and the Joy of Copying

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2011

gay marriage

Personally, I am very excited about "gay marriage", or as I like to call it, "marriage".  Because I had lunch this afternoon, I didn’t have "gay lunch".  And I parked my car, I didn’t "gay park" it.  Although, I totally parked like a fucking fag!

Liz Feldman 

sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2011

lo que define a una mujer

Aunque físicamente era un hombre, por dentro se sentía mujer. Le gusta ir de compras y probarse ropa, si va a salir se tira horas delante del espejo preparándose, no le interesan los coches ni el futbol, prefiere ver 'Mujeres Desesperadas' con una copa de vino y una mascarilla. Pero, como él mismo cuenta "no quiero un cambio de sexo y tampoco soy gay".

jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2011

¿Pero hasta qué punto puede corregirse el pasado. La energía hay que concentrarla en lo nuevo. Yo no volvería a escribir un cuento de entonces, entre otras cosas porque ya no soy el mismo. Pero he aprendido a convivir con esa mirada angustiada al escritor que fui.

Antonio Muñoz Molina 
Pues no sé. Creo que es importante utilizar el cuerpo, aunque sólo sea un poco: hacer el pino, cortarse las uñas, ir a la sauna, practicar la natación..., por supuesto, puede que sean solamente ideas mías. Yo necesito un mundo aparte que no sea el del libro que estoy traduciendo, un mundo que no sea el de la realidad cotidiana. Un mundo sin relatos.

Banana Yoshimoto 

jueves, 13 de octubre de 2011

una imagen (vale más que mil palabras)


I started my collage applications Saturday. I think that collage will be really good experience for me. I mean, cool parties always happen at collages. Right now, I’m really into pretty collages, AND OMG WHAT IF I MISSPELL COLLEGE IN AN APPLICATION ESSAY?!!!! Spellcheck won’t catch that.



martes, 20 de septiembre de 2011

lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2011

Mas as pessoas na sala de jantar

São ocupadas em nascer e morrer


Es una pena que no existan calabozos destinados a que un contertulio pueda reflexionar en soledad cada vez que de su boca sale una tontería muy grande porque creo que dichos centros de rehabilitación harían un gran servicio a la sociedad española. 
                                                                                                                          Elvira Lindo

martes, 12 de julio de 2011

In Budapest, surgeons operated on printer's apprentice Gyoergyi Szabo, 17,
who, brooding over the loss of a sweetheart,
had set her name in type and swallowed the type.

Time magazine, 28 December 1936


lunes, 20 de junio de 2011



the president of the meeting tells the interpreter that the 
meeting must go on, and the interpreter, wise in 
years more than wisdom, 
replies that the rule says that everything has its time.
that tomorrow is another day

jota castro

realpolitik #2

friends and enemies

(stockhausen's childhood)
the french were our enemies
and the english were our enemies
and the italians were our friends
and the spanish were the friends
and the japanese were the friends
and the russians were the friends
(but that changed a year later;
then the russians were enemies as well)
and the finnish were friends, etc.
i did not know what to do with this

(childhood friends)
the russians were our enemies
and the americans were our friends
and the french were our friends
and the italians were our friends
and the british were our friends
and the communists were our enemies
and the capitalists were our friends
and we did not know what to do about it.

(adult enemies)
the americans are no longer our friends
and the russians are no longer our enemies
but the muslims are our enemies
and the immigrants are our enemies
and the terrorists are our enemies
and the gypsies are our enemies
and we don't know what it all means

cia rinne 2011
the kakofonie



manche meinen
lechts und rinks
kann man nicht velwechsern.
werch ein illtum!

Ernst Jandl